Nation of Recap 007: GLOWCAST 002 - Nation Of Podcast

Nation of Recap 007: GLOWCAST 002


On this episode of Nation of Recap, Jordan hosts a solo edition of the GLOWCAST! Talking all things about Netflix’s new summer hit series starring Alison Brie, GLOW. The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. From Kuntar to Vicky Viking, we body slam it all!

Awesome Kong


Show Notes:

Jordan starts by breaking down episode 3 of GLOW, the new developments in the show, and the change in direction the team has taken!

Episode 4 starts at 13:15, and we dive DEEP into Sheila and her personality, and the gimmicks of each character!

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Catch us on Thursday night for our next edition of the GLOWCAST, Wednesday afternoon for our recap of Episode 5 of Planet of the Apps!

You can check out our Big Brother coverage here!

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